Biology/Chemistry Lab Skills

Throughout my educational career I have taken an extensive number of laboratory courses in areas ranging from biology to chemistry to physics. Listed below are some of the laboratory skills that I have gained over the years.

Biology Lab Skills

  • Sterile Technique
  • Pipetting
  • Microscopy
  • Gel Electrophoresis (Polyacrylamide and SDS-PAGE)
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Restriction Enzyme Mapping
  • Molecular Hybridization
  • Experience Working with Bacteria Cultures
    • Inoculation
    • Plasmid Amplification
    • Conjugation
    • Transformation
    • Reporter Constructs
  • Enzyme Assays
  • Blue/White Screens
  • Western and Southern Blotting
  • Vector NTI
  • Experience Working with C. Elegans
  • Experience Working with the WormBase and NCBI Databases

For examples of my laboratory work, here are samples of my analysis of blue/white screens, reporter constructs, and c. elegans.

Chemical Lab Skills

  • Chromatography
    • Gas
    • Liquid
      • Column
      • Paper
      • Thin Layer
  • Titration
  • Filtration
  • Distillation
    • Fractional
    • Vacuum
  • Reflux
  • Chemical Extraction
  • Crystallization
  • Rotary Evaporation
  • Melting Point Determination
  • Spectrophotometry
  • IR Spectroscopy
  • 1-D and 2-D NMR
  • Mass Spectrometry